17 players entered the singles tournament on Wednesday night. All of them signed-up for the “Top” division, nobody tried their luck in the “Lower” division. Almost all of the top players from the Cleveland area were in attendance.
The format was double elimination, best 2/3 in the winners bracket, single game in the losers bracket. Ken Allen made a huge charge after losing his first match to TJ Petrie by winning 7 games in a row in the losers bracket to make it to the Championship, but came up short in the finals.
1st – Dave Weiser
2nd – Ken Allen
3rd – Rob Herman
4th – TJ Petrie
t-5th – Dan Wolf
t-5th – Mike Pfaff
t-7th – Christine Papcke
t-7th – Bob Havasi
t-9th – Matt Strzala (left after losing his winners bracket match)
t-9th – Brett Lyons
t-9th – Stacia Pugh
t-9th – Ron Weiss
t-13th – Jim Singer
t-13th – Jeep Joseph
t-13th – Jim Cahill
t-13th – Michelle Cahill
t-13th – Yudi Joseph