New Player?
Cleveland Cornhole runs leagues and tournaments as well as private corporate events and fundraisers. Seeing all the events coming up on our website can be overwhelming to new players. So what are all of these events? Here’s a breakdown.
League – Cleveland Cornhole recommends that new players strongly consider joining the Cleveland Cornhole league. The league is currently held on Monday’s and Thursday’s (2 separate leagues) in Broadview Hts, OH and often sells out, so be sure to contact us if you’re interested. The league breaks players into divisions so that players don’t have to play against the “pros” and they do get play against other players of similar skill level. 3 Leagues a year are held in Winter, Spring and Fall. Most leagues are doubles leagues so a partner is needed.
ACL (American Cornhole League) Monthly Regional Events – These events do NOT require a membership (although being a member will save you a few dollars at each tournament). Monthly ACL regional events will feature multiple divisions to help players have more competitive games. By playing in ACL events you will earn ACL points towards National Rankings.
Cleveland Cornhole Events – Cleveland Cornhole runs other events that are not necessarily tied to any of these organizations.