Cleveland Cornhole started in 2012 with 20 league teams. Since then we have grown to 70 teams (pre-covid).
ACL Cleveland tournaments averaged 50 players a month in 2016 and are now averaging over 120 in 2020.
We believe in fair and fun competition for ALL players, not just the “Pros”. Come join a Cleveland Cornhole league or tournament and see what it’s all about!
A few of our player testimonials:
“This is the best-run sports league I’ve ever played in. Not cornhole; SPORTS. The vast majority of us appreciate your dedication to the game. Thanks for everything.”
“Absolutely love this league and I’m so glad we found out about it Dave does an amazing job with everything so a big thank you goes out to him!”
“Fantastic job keeping things going last night. I’ve played in 100’s of sports leagues & tournaments. Last night was the one of smoothest.”
“Very glad I joined this league. The league is run very well.”