Hello Cornhole players, I hope all is well. I’ve had an ACL Regional on the schedule for June 13th since February, but obviously I expected it to be cancelled. With Ohio opening back up and the ACL now allowing regionals again, it is allowed with safety precautions.
So I’m trying to see what the interest would be. Please vote below.
- Since I am not ready to have a 150+ player event (for safety reasons) this one would be Advanced level only. Likely Blind Draw, Doubles and then Singles. Advanced means technically anyone can play.
- 64 players max per tournament (doubt this will be an issue)
- This would likely be held at Garrett Cain’s place in Brunswick/Hinkley and beer would be available for purchase.
- His facility does not have air conditioning, but he does have many industrial type doors that would be open so it would have a bit of an outdoor feel and could be quite warm potentially, but it would be covered.
- People could sit outside which would help us all social distance. Some indoor space would be available to sit as well.
- Boards will be separated further than normal to social distance. Probably have around 10 sets set-up if needed.
- Registration would all be done via the ACL website.
Thoughts? I realize there is also a Pro Invitational near Philly that day, so that might impact some of you as well.
Would You Play on June 13th?
- Yes (68%, 43 Votes)
- No - I don't want to play Advanced, but Might Play a Future One Which Has Lower Levels (21%, 13 Votes)
- No - Not Available (8%, 5 Votes)
- No - I don't feel it's safe (3%, 2 Votes)
Total Voters: 63
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