Setting Expectations for the Singles League

We have 45 players across 4 divisions.  Divisions are split 10/10/12/13.

Singles league is SOLD OUT!  Due to time/space limitations we cannot accept anymore players (sadly I’ve turned 5 players away already).  The next league will be a doubles league starting the first week of June.

As of now here’s how the weeks break down (subject to change):
3/31 – All divisions play, Schedule – some players start at 6:20pm tonight!
4/7 – Division 2 is off, all other divisions play all night
4/14 – Division 1 is off, all other divisions play all night
4/21 – All divisions play, we MAY stagger start times
4/28 – Division 3 is off, all other divisions play all night
5/5 – Division 4 is off, all other divisions play all night
5/12 – All divisions play, we MAY stagger start times
5/19 – Playoffs, all teams must be ready to play early

We have a lot of games to get in, so there will be nights where you could have to play after 10pm.  Sorry, if this is an issue and you no longer wish to participate, I need to know ASAP.  Also, I’m hoping a lot of players are ok with starting at 6:20 to help get things going each night.  If you can’t play at 6:20, let me know, thanks.