First off I wanted to thank everyone for a great session of cornhole. 42 teams, over 90 people that participated and tons of competitive games, hopefully you all enjoyed it. If you can’t make it back for the blind draw league or summer league I hope that you’ll consider rejoining us in the Fall or come out to some of our tournaments, we will be running a couple of fundraisers coming up in Spring and Summer.
Again, the season ending tournament will be held on Monday 4/1, see you all then.
Anyway, congratulations go out to our Division winners.
Division I – Ricky Bobby (Rick Clark and Bob Havasi)
Division II – Applesauce Boys (Kurt and Travis Mott)
Division III – Peter North & Lex Steele (Brian Myers and Ryan McCafferty)
Division IV – Tag Em N Bag Em (Dan Spirko and Joe Mahlenkamp)
Division V – Mike and Dustin (Mike Handa and Dustin Nofel)