Spring Singles League

We are sold out!

*Note that “Round Robin” means you play everyone else in Round Robin 1 game each over the first 3 weeks. Then Round Robin will be split into 2-3 divisions (likely 3) based on record.

  Premier Division 1 Division 2 Round Robin
1 Chad Braun Alan Skotko Bill Hilbish Billy Daley
2 Christine Papcke Drew Thomas Chris Schneider Bobby Sabo
3 Dave Reschke Felix Rodgers Dawn Rodgers Dan Dillinger
4 Eric Anderson George Mendek Emanuel Marrero Dave Kramer
5 Ken Allen James Reschke Heather Hentosz Deb Gray
6 Ken Schaef Mike Burdette JJ Teron Deb Mendek
7 Kevin Allen Rob Miller Mikey Burdette Denise Verhosek
8 Mike Bechtel Rob Smith Nicole Kountz Don Gray
9 Mike Pfaff Ron Weiss Sandie Prinkey Earl Locklear
10 Trey Burchfield Shaun Burchfield Tim Allen Ed Reyes
11 Jason Sloan
12 Jeff Evans
13 Jeff Schneider Jr.
14 Jeff Schneider Sr.
15 Jeremy Hostetler
16 Jerry Gugliotta
17 Jim Crago
18 John Prinkey
19 Keith Burtt
20 Ken Rocco
21 Ryan Jackson
22 Ryan Verhosek
23 Tommy Mathews
24 Valerie Harper