ACL May 2018 Results

We had 58 players at our final regional of the 2017-2018 season. Thanks to everyone who has come out this season! The 2018-2019 ACL Season will begin on August 18th!  There is still one more chance to play ACL locally this season and that’s at the ACL Conference Event on June 1-2. You must live in Ohio or Pennsylvania (or be approved by the ACL) in order to play in this event.

Here are the results from May.

Advanced Singles

1 Christine Papcke (1806)
2 Jack Smith (2648)
3 Chuckie Love (2097)
4 Ken Schaef (2100)
5 Eric Anderson (5404)
5 Stacia Pugh (1805)
7 Chad Braun (13945)
7 Mike Pfaff (2095)
9 Beau Horky (8271)
9 Jake Henry (4813)
9 Chic Roth (6401)
9 Dave Wood (6055)
13 Felix Rodgers (7465)
13 Dawn Rodgers (6039)
13 Kevin Allen (5849)
13 Seto Soto (2871)
17 Marcus Bailey (18229)
17 Tim Mast (7864)
17 Kieran Hornacek (9123)
17 Sean Roth (18442)

Advanced Doubles

1 Chuckie Love (2097)
1 Stacia Pugh (1805)
2 Kevin Allen (5849)
2 Kieran Hornacek (9123)
3 Marcus Bailey (18229)
3 Alan Skotko (2102)
4 Jeff Reynolds (2644)
4 Jack Smith (2648)
5 Tim Mast (7864)
5 Eric Anderson (5404)
5 Chad Braun (13945)
5 Jake Henry (4813)
7 Dave Wood (6055)
7 Seto Soto (2871)
7 Beau Horky (8271)
7 Ken Schaef (2100)
9 Mike Pfaff (2095)
9 Chic Roth (6401)
9 Sean Roth (18442)
9 Christine Papcke (1806)

Advanced Blind Draw

1 Christine Papcke (1806)
1 Jake Henry (4813)
2 Rob Smith (4012)
2 Alan Skotko (2102)
3 Ken Schaef (2100)
3 Kevin Allen (5849)
4 Jack McAllister (2437)
4 Ronald Weiss (2686)
5 Kieran Hornacek (9123)
5 Chuckie Love (2097)
5 chris schneider (12791)
5 Dawn Rodgers (6039)
7 Felix Rodgers (7465)
7 Mike Pfaff (2095)
7 Stacia Pugh (1805)
7 Sean Roth (18442)
9 Tim Mast (7864)
9 Chic Roth (6401)
9 Dave Wood (6055)
9 Marcus Bailey (18229)
9 Seto Soto (2871)
9 Chad Braun (13945)

Competitive Doubles

1 Alan Skotko (2102)
1 Ronald Weiss (2686)
2 Tim Allen (2698)
2 Kevin Allen (5849)
3 Sean Roth (18442)
3 Travis Siegferth (10665)
4 Tim Mast (7864)
4 Jake Henry (4813)
5 Kerry Mittermiller (5845)
5 Chic Roth (6401)
5 Warren Weber (13137)
5 Jack Koll (13136)
7 John Stover (2738)
7 Chris Schneider (2439)
7 Rob Smith (4012)
7 Dawn Rodgers (6039)

Social Singles

1 Dave Abruzzino (8862)
2 EJ Gardner (7454)
3 Merfel Conley (17918)
4 Don Gray (6602)
5 Kenny Foulton (14345)
5 Oscar Conely (19017)
7 Susan Bernheisel (7086)
7 James Brannon (14143)
9 Larry Naso (18234)
9 Clark Durdel (6646)
9 Fred Bernheisel (7085)
9 Bill Dutton (12146)
13 Dan Strawder (16600)

Social Doubles

1 Emanuel Marrero (12168)
2 Warren Weber (13137)
2 Jack Koll (13136)
3 Merfel Conley (17918)
3 Oscar Conely (19017)
4 Ken Rocco (5680)
4 George Mendek (6601)
5 Don Gray (6602)
5 Susan Bernheisel (7086)
5 James Brannon (14143)
5 Fred Bernheisel (7085)
7 Clark Durdel (6646)
7 EJ Gardner (7454)
7 Kenny Foulton (14345)
7 Bill Dutton (12146)
9 Marvin Stover (19001)
9 Michael Yankovitz (19018)
9 Randal Arcangelini (19019)
9 Larry Naso (18234)
9 Dave Abruzzino (8862)
9 John Stover (2738)
9 Julie Wade (11827)
9 Clay Wade (11828)
13 Mike Geng (19023)
13 Anthony Pietro (19022)
13 Gino Severino (19020)
13 Ryan Singer (19021)