Survey Results

Overall we had 46 responses to the survey.  Thanks to all of you who took the time to respond.  Here are the results.

Locations if we decided to move:

*Note that I added Mulberry’s after the original release of this Survey, so some of you did not get to reply to it

5.00 is the highest score in that a 5 was given if you responded “I would definitely play there” all the way down to a 1 if you responded “I would definitely NOT play there”

Brookpark           4.64
Rocky River         4.23
Broadvw Hts      3.82
North Royalton 3.80
Brunswick           3.30
Mulberry’s          3.21


If a new league formed on another night, would you consider switching from Monday to the new night (most likely Tuesday, possibly Thursday, select all that apply)?

Yes I would consider Tuesdays – 28

Yes I would consider Thursdays – 31

No I would only play Mondays – 11


If a new league formed on another night, would you consider playing in both leagues (select all that apply)?

Yes, I would consider playing in 2 leagues if the 2nd league is on Tuesday – 12

Yes, I would consider playing in 2 leagues if the 2nd league is on Thursday – 21

No, one is enough for me – 21


Do you like finishing up each night by 10pm? Or would you be ok with playing until 10:30/11pm?

I prefer to finish by 10pm – 25

I’d prefer to play more scheduled games up until 10:30/11pm – 21


I will be purchasing new bags for the Fall. Would you be willing to donate $5 in order to purchase ACO bags which are considered the best bags in the Industry? They are the best, but also quite expensive.

Yes, I want to play with the best and most consistent bags – 42

No Thanks – 4


How important are the following items when considering if you should play in the league or not?

4.00 is the highest possible score meaning you responded “Very Important” down to 1.00 if you responded “Not Important”

How well league is run   3.83
Location                               3.52
Competition Level           3.38
# Games Each Night        3.26
Atmosphere                      3.22
Website                               3.00
Cash Prizes                         2.89
Entry Fee / Cost                2.85
Food/Drink Prices            2.80
Player Rankings                2.67
Trophies                              2.49