New League Starts Tonight!

First off, the schedule for tonight is done.  You can view it by going to the top and clicking on Leagues – Mondays – Schedule.  All games during round robin play (which will be the first 5 weeks of the session) are SINGLE games.  No best 2/3 and no 2 game matches.  Everyone should play either 6 or 7 games each week unless you requested a week off in which case you will play more.

We will have a brief review of how the league will go this session as well as on the rules around 6:25pm tonight.

Please keep in mind that this is the biggest indoor league that I have ever had and we will have a lot of people there tonight.  I’m sure tonight will be a bit chaotic, but it should improve each week.  If you get their early to warm-up (should be set-up by 5:45pm or earlier) you are more than welcome to do so, but please note that a lot of people may be waiting to get on a board to warm-up, so please be kind to your fellow cornhole player and share or maybe rotate a spot with someone else.  Theoretically when all teams are there we have 64 people and 32 spots to warm-up.  If everyone just rotated in with their partner on a spot then we wouldn’t have any issues.

OK, see you tonight!  If you haven’t paid your entry you MUST bring the money tonight.   Thank you.